Monday, April 15, 2019

Impeachment: A largely ceremonial vote taken when the House of Representatives is not controlled by the same political party as the President. 

Monday, April 8, 2019

A Quick and Dirty Look at the Democrat Presidential Candidates

Warren has too much baggage. So as does Biden.  Tim Ryan no national recognition.  Gillibrand is not lefty enough for the radicals, and not appealing enough in general.

Beto is all adjectives and adverbs, but too few subject-object-verb combinations.   Hickenlooper is too weird, even in this field.

Inslee is what engineers call a "don't care term" - he doesn't affect anything.   Sanders can win the primaries, but he is too old to get elected.

Klobuchar is too mainstream to win the primaries.  Harris has some traction, but most of the country has no idea what she would do. I'm not sure she does either.

Castro has the "Reconquista" vote, but that is only a fraction of Hispanics, and he is certainly the candidate of the ever expanding bureaucracy voter.  Delaney, Delancy, who?

Gabbard has the Hindu vote, and the "keep it weird" vote that does not go to Beto, but that's about it.  Williamson has no support among the super delegate crowd, so money is a problem.

Cory Booker might carry New Jersey, but not much else.  Bullock, might be considered for VP, but nothing else. Swalwell is like Howdy Dowdy, he will say what he is told to, but we're not sure who pulls his strings

That leaves Mayor Pete.  I don't care if he is gay, and he seems well spoken and smart.  But his endorsement of the Green New Deal and reparations, both of which he should be smart enough to recognize as fool's errands, gives me pause. Either he is willing to lie, or he thinks the voters are stupid, or both. Either way I couldn't support him. 

We'll see who emerges from the early debates.  Maybe there is a Chuck Rhodes waiting in the wings who can whip up some support?

Monday, April 1, 2019

==================EMBARGOED UNTIL APRIL 1, 2019==================

The Institute for Inter-sectional Connector Social Justice 
It Is Long Past Time for Gender-less Connector Equality

It’s time for industry to throw off its patriarchal and oppressive history and eradicate the use of the sexist and misogynistic designations of connectors as “male” or “female” and replace them with politically correct and gender-neutral alternatives.

We need to dispel gender connector myths, such as the idea that female connectors are more resistant to damage or contamination and move beyond the current attempts at simple hermaphroditic connectors, because all connectors should be free to express their own gender identity and not be locked into simplistic and trans-phobic labels given them arbitrarily by others.

We urge standards bodies and manufactures to eliminate these hateful designations before December 31, 2019.  We further demand the elimination of all existing “legacy” connectors currently in use by December 31, 2021.  Otherwise we will lead a boycott and call on all consumers of wireless and electronic products to cease purchasing any and all products using these designations until these cruel and incorrect labels are eliminated. 

Join our movement!    #CONJUST     #NOSEXCON      #GreenNewDeal