Sometimes the simplest explanation can also be the most disturbing.
Liberal activists in the DOJ believe and wanted to sell the silly syllogism that guns from America were fueling the drug trade in Mexico - and that was a reason to trample on Second Amendment rights in the USA. But they never could find any hard evidence via the after the fact "tracing" programs run on guns seized in Mexico, and they never say which USA gun stores were selling RPGs to Mexican cartels!
But if you deliberately set up a program to let hundreds of guns go from US gun stores into Mexico, tell the gun stores who report suspicious purchasers to "go ahead and sell them and then shut up", disable network access to make the guns invisible to local LEOs for a while, and transfer ATF and DOJ people who are not "down with the struggle" around so no one really knows the whole story - well then you have produced hard serial number evidence to justify some "executive orders" restricting gun sales in the USA! Let's start with semi auto rifles, eh?
And the Border Patrol agent and other persons yet unknown who died as a result of this scheme, well, they served the greater cause of Liberalism, whether they wanted to or not. After all, they were probably "bitter clingers" anyway!
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